Never Again Forget About Your HW

Get On-Time Notifications About When Your HW is Due

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What Does It Do?

Canvas HW Reminder automatically retrieves your HW from Canvas every hour and reminds you when you want to be reminded before the deadline.

Simple + Intuitive

Easily glanceable dashboard for all your courses

Behind the Scenes

Runs in the background to not bother you

Private + Secure

All information is securely saved on-device

Customize to Your Liking

When To Remind You?

Choose how in advance you want to be reminded about your HW deadlines.

How Long Past Due Should An Assignment Stay Visible?

Choose how long you want an assignment that you missed from disappearing from your course cards.

Don't Need Reminders for Some Assignments?

Right click on any assignment to stop it from reminding you.
Right click again to allow it to remind you.

Don't Remind for Assignments that Don't Require Submissions

Choose whether you want reminders for assignments that don't need you to submit anything or not.

Show Exact Due Dates

Choose whether you want to see exactly when an assignment is due rather than a relative due date from your time.

Always Expand All Course Cards

Choose whether you want all course cards to expand automatically regardless of any assignments are due or not.

Minimize on App Close

Choose whether you want Canvas HW Reminder to minimize to system tray when closed or not.